A Book!

The last two days have been a huge learning curve!

Friday I finally decided it was time to try self publishing a quilt pattern book! (It's something I've been researching planning  and mulling over for at least a year)

So I finally got around to upgrading my EQ7 to EQ8

And hubby and I have spent most of the last two days collating and editing my 2016 Adventurous Stars BOM quilt pattern files to prepare them for my first book! 

It's the most technically difficult thing I've ever done! But we figured it out together! He's a keeper 💕😵😱💓👌

So we've sent the digital file to our chosen printer! Fingers crossed minimal edits are required if any.

The pattern: I decided to publish Adventurous Stars as a test run, so that later this year I can publish my Adventurously Epic Sampler quilt as a book 💖

There are other books planned...
But one book at a time! LOL