2020 Goal Review

I set 20 personal goals for 2020, here's a look at how I did:

1. Overall I didn't lose weight but I didn't gain either.

2. As usual I gained fitness over summer and it wained as cooler weather hit, so I've set new specific fitness goals and started in the last couple of weeks!

3. Deferred our cycling trip to CNM until 2021 due to Covid-19 but did travel to Lake City which gave us some great mountain rides away from the crowds because it's a bit more remote!

4. Weekend in Cambria became one night and only happened because I needed to go to San Fransisco to renew my Australian passport.

5. Closest cleanout got done!!!!

6. Declutter every room got done!!!!

7. I did make myself a dress!!!

8. Pandemic times meant not so much outdoor adventuring but I did have many mini adventures this year, mostly at home.

9. I have actually been successful at positive daily reflections all year except for February when my mum died which completely overwhelmed me.

10. I gave up on this goal due to covid-19 but will try again once the vaccine is available.

11. I did eat more vegetables this year!!!

12. I definitely spent money more mindfully this year!

13. I gave up on this one due to covid-19 as well, but thru the warmer months we golfed with friends every two weeks 

14. I did work less hours but was more focused so I achieved heaps!

15. We did hike 6+ times but closer to home than anticipated because the mountain trails were very busy due to covid-19

16. Gave up due to covid-19

17. I did bake more! And I loved it! We even added some new fabulous recipes to our favorites!

18. I did regularly review this goal list! It's like I'm an actual grown up person 😂

19. Exercise was more sporadic than I'd like apart from daily dog walks.

20. I didn't drink less alcohol most of the year but I have reset that goal in the last few weeks and am now achieving it! 

So this goal list has been a great motivator this year! The goals I couldn't follow through on due to covid-19 aren't bothering me, that's life! 

I'm a work in progress so some things will always be goals and I'll make slow progress but that's okay!