January 1st I'll release the introduction PDF for my latest free block of the month quilt along!
To join you must contact me via the blog contact link in my left sidebar or via my download website "contact me" page. I'm hosting this BOM in a Facebook Group that is only for participants.Here's a few things to remember:
TIP for researching FREE BOM programs:
I have had dozens of people applying to join the wrong Facebook group over the weekend because somewhere on the internet someone shared incorrect information. If you see BOM information on a third party blog and are interested make sure you verify the information! Google search the designer and go straight to their website or blog! Don't just assume the information provided by the third party is correct. I'm not chasing people who can't do their own research, I'm just deleting the applications that went to last year's BOM group. I don't have the time or inclination to waste on people who can't be bothered to check the info via my blog or website.
I've been doing this a long time (since 2015) and I'm not interested in lazy quilters who just want free patterns and don't bother to follow through. Participation in my free BOMs is not your right it's a privilege.