Handy Skills

I seriously can't imagine living life without sewing skills. They are truly handy skills to have! I'm always mending something or wearing something I have made or adjusted.
Here's an example:
The first time I harvested chamois padding from cycling shorts and sewed it into my favourite gym pants was 6 or 7 years ago. This week I decided the chamois padding was worn out so I unpicked the stitching and removed it then added the new cycling chamois padding harvested from extra small cycling shorts. I've got three pairs of these gym pants that I originally bought from Cosco which I've done this to, they are a great fit and length.
The sleeveless blouses are fantastic in summer whether cycling or not. I designed them a few years ago and there's a free tutorial available on my website.  Eventually I'll make some specifically for cycling and add rear pockets but the original ones I made whilst refining the pattern are working well for now. 
Click here to find the sleeveless blouse tutorial: Free PDFs

I even find the sleeveless blouses comfortable to do yoga! I just make them from quilting cotton! I wear cotton tops about 90% of the time since my hysterectomy in 2015. Post menopausal me just hates to wear synthetics. 
So if you see me on social media sharing about my cycling adventures know that my outfit is me made!