Design Fun

Once in a while a long time follower or friend will ask me for border ideas for a project they are working on. It is always fun looking at someone else's quilt and color/fabric choices and imagining what I would do next!

Recently my friend Jan sent me this quilt photo and wanted some border ideas to add after her 1st border (the pink solid):

So I pondered it for a few days and this is what I would do next if it were me:
Border Two
Step 1. Using that pink border color and the aqua (from the center blocks) I would make 4 spikey feature blocks. 
Step 2. Make 8 half rectangle blocks using the floral and the pink. The floral would also be used at the end of this border near the corners. 
This creates a curved framing effect in the second border.
The 3rd border of floral fabric then frames that second border and completes the quilt.
This border set requires very little piecing but frames the quilt center in an interesting way by adding shape variation. 
For more border ideas and FPP patterns I have two books that feature border elements:
Click on the "My Books" tab above to find a link to my author page on Amazon where all my books are available.