Quick Fall DIY Sewing Project Tutorial

Here in Australia it is Autumn! So it was time for me to make some new microwavable rice heat packs! We had to dispose of our old ones during our repatriation because grains cannot be packed in the removalist shipping containers for import to Australia. So I created a quick printable tutorial as well for anyone wanting to make some!

Just a couple of words of caution:

  • Don't use instant rice, a long grain rice is best
  • Microwave it for less time at first and take some time to figure out what exact time works best for your microwave to prevent burning the rice
  • Use 100% cotton fabric

Download the printable tutorial here: 
I have made three, I use heat packs a LOT in winter! These were all made using flannel scraps leftover from previous projects.
TIP you can use other grains as well, I have used wheat in the past but rice is easier to get at the supermarket and reasonably inexpensive. But REMEMBER be sure to use a regular long grain rice not a processed instant rice.