A Year in Pictures

It's always fun at the end of the year to go through the photos taken and remember the Year that was. 

In January we repatriated to Australia after ten years living in Colorado,  USA. So my first quilty job of the year was setting up my new sewing studio:

January to April; new flooring, shelving, desks & cutting table
Then I focused on decluttering; anything that didn't have a place in my new downsized studio needed to be used up or stored more efficiently. 
Clockwise: scrappy kennel pads,  a table topper and lots of scrappy bindings!
I spent many, many hours improv piecing hundreds of scrappy six inch blocks for future projects. The resulting piles of blocks are such a rainbow of delight! It'll take me years to make quilts with all of these but at least they are ready to use when I have time. Hubby Matt retired in September so I have a lot less time in my studio these days as we delight in outdoor recreation together such as cycling,  hiking,  golf,  snorkeling etc. 
I did make a quilt using only the low volume blocks from the pile and it was one of only three quilts I finished in 2023. 
3 finishes of 2023: low volume, purple large scraps,  blue quarter 9 patches
I spent time this year on a multitude of digital designs and pattern drafting as well.  
I designed my 2023 Advent Scrap-a-long as well as the ten quilts featured in my book draft Wonky Scrap Adventures. 
On my free download website I released the FREE PDF of my large scraps quilt design.
I used Scrappy Improv blocks to make two rainbow layout 'quilt tops' for a double sided quilt - but I haven't gotten around to basting and quilting it yet!
My favourite sewing studio snapshot of 2023 was this photo of the 1000+ scrappy improv blocks on my cutting table.  
And in a lot of ways this felt like a unproductive year in my studio... so photos tell a different story than the inner critic!