Fodder for my Day Dreams

For three years I have dreamed about having a sewing room like this:

And now that we are buying our own home and I have this space to decorate it is very exciting!

I am gathering inspiration from other people's successes. check out these few sewing spaces:

my new space!

sewing room ideas

These rooms are spectacular and I don't expect mine to look like that but the rooms each incorporate many of the ideas I am considering for my space. Two weeks til we get the keys (although our lady at the bank said it may even be sooner if the evaluation comes back soon)!

But I love when bloggers are honest and open about their space and it looks well used and loved. This one is more likely to be how my space turns out...

Yes it's a little messy for want of a better word and it doesn't look like it belongs in a model home, but from a quick glance around her blog it looks like the Curious Kiwi makes some cute stuff and enjoys her craft and that's all that really matters.