Day 363 of 2019
Daily AYQA challenge: reflect on - Did I feel motivated or pushed by deadlines this year?
First of all what deadlines did I have to deal with:

  • Harmony Art Organic Design brand ambassadorship monthly project
  • Cotton Cuts brand ambassadorship monthly project
  • VKA BOM block upload 1st of the month
  • DATB  block upload 15th of the month
  • Book publishing self imposed deadlines
  • Scientific Adventures design by end of 2019 for 2020 BOM
All of these deadlines pushed me to complete projects! I would really rather they were more of a motivation than an looming deadline! How can I address that?
  • refine commitments (resigned from one brand ambassadorship)
  • Prep BOM files in January so less effort is required monthly
  • Don't self impose book publishing deadlines except BOM books late in the year
  • Reduce BOMs in 2021 so that I am only hosting one again
So I do have a plan for improving my outlook on deadlines and being able to be increasingly motivated by my projects!

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