Stress & Anxiety Relief

Quilting really is my therapy, it relieves stress and anxiety. After the insurrection at the Capitol yesterday I was angry and stressed today. None of my current projects made me feel like sewing. Instead I was compelled to make this wall quilt:

It's a celebration of all the voters in Georgia who renewed my faith in democracy by giving the Democrats the Senate majority. 

I even made a label for this one, which I usually don't do for my quilts:
And I did hand stitch the binding on which is also unusual for me but it felt right for this project: 
It truly made me feel better. This quilt is about expressing gratitude!
Then by the time I came upstairs after lunch my latest fitness purchase had arrived: 
It's a Feet-up Yoga inversion chair:
I needed some help from hubby at first to get up but I'm confident I'll master that soon enough.
After only a few tries hubby mastered getting into a full inversion unaided! Not bad for a couple of old, chubby, middle aged people 🤣😂