Thrifty Thursday

 As many of you know my current WIP is a quilt made from shirts I bought at thrift stores, this is the basket of shirts washed, dried and ready to cut:

And this is how it is turning out so far:

While I was shopping for those shirts I got carried away and I have two more quilts worth of shirts to do as well!

But it isn't just my recent discovery of and obsession with Bonnie Hunter (the scrappy quilting queen) and her scrappy quilting influence that has got me reusing and up-cycling clothing.

This was something I did a few months ago:

I had this old corduroy jacket I got from a thrift store in Australia when I was still living there, I bought it because I loved the lining fabric! So when I started a quilt a few months ago that was predominantly brown florals I was eager to cut that jacket up at last, this is the fabric I got from that jacket:

And this is one of the hexagon patches in my half hexagon quilt that uses the fabric:

I am extremely happy with the quilt and sooo pleased I finally cut up that ugly coat to retrieve the fabric lining.

The corduroy will be used at some point on other projects in particular I am eager to try making one of these hats, I have about 4 but I live in them during winter here in Colorado, so it could be fun to make some, and the corduroy is the perfect scrap fabric to try it out on!

I also buy a lot of thrift store fabrics:

and have recently purchased a pattern by Amy Butler

I am eager to start cutting into that thrift store stash to make some of these great bags!

Adventurous Quilter