Slow Stitching

English paper piecing and many forms of hand sewing are often referred to as slow stitching but I think it's actually quicker than most people imagine! So I timed how long it takes me to sew a row onto my current project.
20mins to sew about 210 stitches
My last EPP quilt top a 1300 hexagon scrap quilt was completed in 115 days. 

60" X 60" scrap quilt
So it's really not that slow. I could make 3 per year at that rate! I always thought a hand pieced quilt would take me a couple of years to complete!
So it might be slower than machine piecing but it isn't really that slow and it feels more rewarding to me. 
I already have soooo many quilts I don't 'need' more! But I like the craft so slow stitching suits my phase in life right now.